Dinner's in the Dog (A Book Review)

 I love reading and supporting indie authors. Here's a fun read by one of them. I decided to write my review in the rhyming style of her book. Enjoy.

I just read a book and I'm feeling sublime.

It was packed full of stories all told in rhyme.

"Dinner's in the Dog," is the name of the title.

And it reads like a glorious comic recital.

It's funny, and clever, smart but not haughty.

And my favorite tales were the ones that were naughty.

The writer and artist are one in the same.

M.S. Saxon, remember that name.

But alas, if you don't want your morals to skid.

Keep the book hidden from the eyes of your kid.

It's written for grownups and if you're of age.

You'll find yourself constantly turning the page.

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