Overcoming Disappointment Through An Unlikely Source

There are times in life when we have to face disappointment. This can take on many forms. Sometimes it's in the guise of a family member or friend. Other times disappointment can be related to our jobs, or even play. These frustrations tend to work themselves out, either by moving on, or accepting the way things are with the person or problem that have us disillusioned.

However, one of the hardest obstacles to overcome is when we feel disappointed in ourselves. Often it's something we said or did, or didn't say or do. Other times it's looking at the so-called success of our peers and feeling a sense of failure, or incompleteness within our own life.

When this happens, we sometimes find ourselves fighting these feelings of self disappointment with denial, or justification, or give into it completely, with self doubt. Though not fun, these are all natural feelings. But those feelings don't have to have the final say.

I have found that the best way to learn about, and overcome disappointment, is by taking a closer look at the sport of baseball. Look at the facts. The best hitters in the game get out seventy percent of the time. What's more important, though, is that they get chance after chance to redeem themselves. A batter could strike out three times in a row, but still have the opportunity to win the game with a home run. Life can be like that too. We, like baseball players, have the ability to go from goat to hero. The secret is to keep on swinging for the fence.

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